El Camino General Engineering is your ADA Improvements Contractor committed to restoring commercial driveways and parking lots in Palo Alto and the surrounding areas. Most establishments cater to the public by providing a service, and typically, ADA compliance is not on the forefront of their minds. California Building Codes have been established to help grant equal accessibility to the general public buildings. If you are a business owner in California providing a service, you are already aware of the need to have ADA compliance as they set the bar for the regulations on what is considered acceptable. For your information, the actual code governing accessibility can be found in Part 2 of Title 24 of the California Building Code which indicate the necessities for establishment for the physically handicapped.
ADA stands for Americans with Disabilities Act, and is a comprehensive law instated to protect the rights of our friends with disabilities. Within title 24 of the California building code, you will find section 2 which states the parking requirements. For each establishment, there needs to be a minimum of one nine (9’) foot wide parking stall that is eighteen (18’) feet long with a corresponding eight foot (8’) wide access aisle the length of the parking stall. This stall is to be placed opposite to the driver side. The reason these access aisles need to be on the passenger side is because lots of accessible vans have hydraulic wheel chair ramps to help our handicap friends get In and out of their vehicles.
As a general rule of thumb, there needs to be at least one ADA stall on every property for every twenty-five (25) regular parking stalls available to the public. So if there are 100 parking stalls, you will need at least four (4) accessible stalls. Each property needs to have a minimum of one (1) van accessible stall. One in every eight stalls needs to be a van accessible stall.
There have been various ADA violations in the Bay Area, and is a point of tension for our customers. We are not lawyers, but we do know how to make your site ADA compliant. Our team is your ADA Improvements Contractor here to make your problems disappear.
ADA upgrades require competent contractors to understand current site restrictions to suggest and design an efficient solution. ADA codes seeks to establish equality for those fellow finds that have disabilities so they have equal access to establishments.
Section CBC 11B-502.3 is an important code for establishments because it sets the requirements for the number of accessible parking spaces that must be provided based on the total number of parking spaces available. This code is part of the California Building Code (CBC) and outlines the minimum number of accessible parking spaces that must be provided for people with disabilities.
Providing accessible parking spaces is crucial to ensure that people with disabilities have equal access to public accommodations, including businesses and other establishments. Without these parking spaces, people with disabilities may face significant barriers to access, which can lead to discrimination and exclusion.
By complying with Section CBC 11B-502.3, establishments can help ensure that they are providing a safe and accessible environment for all customers, regardless of their ability. This not only helps to comply with legal requirements but also demonstrates a commitment to creating an inclusive and welcoming environment for all customers.

Why Are ADA stalls required to be Blue?
The ADA stall paint is blue because it is a standard color used to identify accessible parking spaces and other accessible features in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The ADA is a federal law that sets guidelines for ensuring that people with disabilities have equal access to public accommodations, including parking facilities.
The blue color used for the ADA stall paint helps people with disabilities easily identify accessible parking spaces and other accessible features, such as curb ramps and signage. Additionally, the use of a standard color helps to ensure consistency and uniformity in the marking of accessible parking spaces across different locations.
According to the ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG), the minimum width for an accessible parking space is 96 inches, with an adjacent access aisle of at least 60 inches wide. Reference the Images and current CBC codes (images are only for reference) . The stall paint is typically used to mark the boundaries of the parking space and access aisle, and may also include the International Symbol of Access (ISA), a graphic symbol of a person using a wheelchair.
Overall, the blue color used for the ADA stall paint is an important aspect of ensuring accessibility and inclusivity for people with disabilities in public accommodations, and helps to promote safety and ease of use for all.
ADA Compliance Contractor
It begins by providing access from public sidewalks, and it public access is not available, it means providing a designated parking stall. The striping has to be in accordance with local and state requirements. Patrons will arrive at the establishment and often travel into the establishment through a loading cross hatch. Typically, a concrete handicap ramp leads patrons to the waling surface and yellow detectable domes (or truncated domes) indicate that one is moving into or out of a safe zone. These domes help bring awareness by being federal yellow and by being a rough surface to help a disabled friend. We at El Camino are your ADA Improvements Contractor with the skill and team to help create effective solutions to bring your site to ADA compliance. Call us today to get a free estimate on your ADA Compliance.
For your reference and convenience, see the link titled ADA Cheat Sheet to help you inform yourself on the general subject.